方法分别以"胃(脘)痛""痞满""嗳气"等症状以及"胃炎""功能性消化不良""消化性溃疡"等疾病为特征词,检索中国知网、万方医学、重庆维普、中国生物医学文献数据库以及PubMed、EmBase数据库中有关穴位疗法治疗疾病的文献,并通过滚雪球法扩充文献。利用SPSS 20.0及Rost Content Mining 5.8软件对纳入文献进行内容分析,探讨气滞胃痛患者穴位疗法的辨证选穴规律。
ObjectiveTo analyze the TCM literature of stomachache based on content analysis, and to explore the law of selecting points in nursing of qi stagnation syndrome.
MethodsTerms such as "stomachache"," distension","belching", "gastritis" "functional dyspepsia" and "peptic ulcer" were used as the characteristic words, and the CNKI, Wanfang data, VIP, CBM, Pubmed and Embase databases were retrieved to find literature of acupoint therapies for this symptom, while snowball was conducted to expand the literature. SPSS20.0 and Rost Content Mining 5.8 softwares were used to analyze the contents of the included literature, and to explore the syndrome differentiation rules of acupoint therapy in patients with stomachache of qi stagnation.
ResultsTotally 279 Chinese and 27 English articles were included. Through bibliometric analysis, word frequency statistics and cluster analysis, the most commonly used acupoint therapies included acupuncture, acupoint massage, acupoint application, acupoint embedding, acupoint injection. The most common selected acupoints of qi stagnation syndrome was Zusanli, Zhongwan, Neiguan, Taichong, Qimen, Zhangmen, Pishu, Weishu and Ganshu.
ConclusionsThe application of content analysis method in the field of TCM nursing provides a scientific method for summarizing the literature in the future, and is worthy of popularization and application in clinical nursing.
许珊珊,戴新娟,王江玲. 基于内容分析法的气滞胃痛诊疗经穴文献研究[J]. 中国实用护理杂志,2018,34(25):1983-1988.
