结果2017—2021年共采集6个监测点标本4 214份,其中A型禽流感病毒阳性率为41.53%(1 750份),H5、H7和H9亚型阳性率分别为2.33%(98份)、1.16%(49份)和23.16%(976份),H5+H7亚型阳性率为0.05%(2份),H5+H9亚型阳性率为1.83%(77份),H7+H9亚型阳性率为0.83%(35份),H5+H7+H9亚型阳性率为0.09%(4份),A型阳性未分型的阳性率为12.08%(509份)。不同检测场所和不同类型标本A型阳性率的差异具有统计学意义( χ 2=517.57, P<0.001; χ 2=51.58, P<0.001):城乡活禽市场的禽流感病毒阳性率最高(49.72%);不同类型标本中笼具表面擦拭标本(48.09%)、清洗禽类的污水(47.34%)和宰杀或摆放禽肉案板表面(45.66%)的阳性率较高。不同地区监测点的A型阳性率差异具有统计学意义( χ 2=458.34, P<0.001):A型阳性率最高和最低的地市分别是三明市(56.00%)和漳州市(3.34%)。在时间分布方面,冬春季(11月至次年2月)和夏季(6~8月)的阳性率较高。
ObjectiveTo analyze the epidemiologic characteristics of environmental samples of avian influenza virus in Fujian province from 2017 to 2021, and provide a reference for the prevention and control of avian influenza.
MethodsSix types of specimens were collected from four types of environments in six cities in Fujian province. And the specimens were subjected to nucleic acid detection for influenza A, subtypes H5, H7 and H9 by fluorescence quantitative PCR, and the results were analyzed statistically with descriptive epidemiological methods.
ResultsFrom 2017 to 2021, a total of 4 214 samples were collected from 6 cities, of which the positive rate of avian influenza virus was 41.53%, and the positive rates of H5, H7 and H9 subtypes were 2.33%, 1.16% and 23.16%, respectively. The positive rate for mixed subtypes of H5 and H7 was 0.05%, the positive rate for mixed subtypes of H5 and H9 was 1.83%, the positive rate for mixed subtypes of H7 and H9 was 0.83%, the positive rate for mixed subtypes of H5, H7 and H9 was 0.09%, and the positive rate of A-type unclassified was 12.08%. The difference in avian influenza virus detection among different monitoring places ( χ 2=517.57, P<0.001), different types of specimens( χ 2= 51.58, P<0.001), and different cities ( χ 2=458.34, P<0.001) was statistically significant. Among different monitoring places, the positive rate of avian influenza virus in urban and rural live poultry markets was the highest. The highest rate of positive detection was found in specimens from the cage surface, cleaning poultry sewage and poultry chopping board surface, with 48.09%, 47.34% and 45.66%, respectively. In terms of different cities, Sanming city had the highest positivity rate (56.00%), while Zhangzhou city had the lowest positivity rate(3.34%). And the positive rate was higher from November to February of the next year and June to August each year.
ConclusionsThe overall positive rate of avian influenza viruses in Fujian province was relatively high, with H9 subtype accounting for the main proportion. The monitoring of avian influenza viruses in winter, spring and summer should be strengthened. And effective measures should be taken to deal with avian influenza especially in urban and rural live poultry markets.
吴晶晶,林琦,张炎华,等. 2017—2021年福建省外环境禽流感病毒监测[J]. 中华实验和临床病毒学杂志,2023,37(01):61-66.
